In a move totally inspired by Ashely & Jimmy from Feast of Fiction - I went full nerd and cooked up a dinner for Kale with a menu straight from our current favorite video game obsession - Don't Starve Together.
OK OK - I know you're first asking... what the heck is Don't Starve Together? It's a multiplayer "wilderness survival game" that involves collecting resources, battling creatures, and basically just trying to strategize and figure out how to not die. Constantly. Because everything is trying to kill you. The animation and styling are STUNNING and for that alone I'd say check it out.
This game totally fits a lot of buckets for the two of us. First, I want to believe that it somehow fills Kale's crazy survival instincts as he's one of those "Zombie Apocalypse prepared" kinda guys. He's even stocked up my house with a "Don't Die!" kit because he's very worried about me.
I'm not a survivalist. I like the comforts of modern life and honestly if the world's coming to an end, I'd be more likely to be on a rooftop partying vs. in a bunker waiting for the aftermath. But Kale's determined to change me - and this maybe feels like a good first baby step?
Plus, we've really come to learn our roles in this relationship. He's most certainly the hunter while I am the gatherer. I'd say that's true of our lives in general now - and I think that's one really great reason we work so well together. We fit and we know how to make sure that both sides of the food chain are BEING MURDERED AND COLLECTED appropriately. (Because yeah - murdering bunnies and birds is a big part of the game.)
But onto the recipes!!!! So there are some smaller silly ones like "roasted carrots," "juicy berries," and "seeds" that we ate because those are integral to survival... but I cooked up 2 of the "crock pot" dishes - Meatballs and Monster Lasagna.
Don't Starve Meatballs
A slight twist on the Chili & Jelly meatballs of yore
- 1 can chili with no beans
- 1 jar strawberry jam
- 1 tsp. cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp. red chili flakes
- 2 tsp. water
- 10-12 medium sized meatballs
- Basil for garnish
Into a large pot or crockpot add the chili, jam, and seasonings and bring to a simmer. Mix until incorporated. The jelly will start to liquify and turn into a sauce with the chili! Add your meatballs and let simmer over a medium heat for 25 to 30 minutes.
Remove from heat and serve warm with a spoonful of sauce and fresh basil for garnish!
Don't Starve Monster Lasagna
When cooking up monster meat, it gives your classic lasagna some purple layers!
For the Meat Sauce
- 1 cup lean ground beef
- 1/2 cup onion, minced
- 1 cloves garlic, crushed
- 1 can tomato sauce
- 1/4 cup water
- 2 tbsp. sugar
- 1 tbsp. Italian seasoning
- 1 tbsp. salt
- 1 1/2 tsp. red chili flakes
- 1/2 tsp. black pepper
- 4 tbsp. fresh basil, chopped
For the Lasagna
- 12 lasagna noodles, cooked
- 16 ounces ricotta cheese
- 3 tbsp. chives, chopped
- 2 eggs
- 1 tsp. salt
- 3 cups mozzarella & gruyere cheese, shredded
- 1 Japanese eggplant, sliced
In a large pan cook ground beef, onions, and garlic until browned over medium-high heat. Add the rest of the sauce ingredients, reduce the heat to medium and continue to cook for about 1 hour, or until the sauce has thickened slightly.
Preheat the oven to 375ºF.
In a mixing bowl combine ricotta, chives, eggs, and salt. Set aside.
To assemble, spread a spoonful of the meat sauce in the bottom of a 9x13" baking dish. Assemble 3 noodles in the bottom of the pan. Start layering first with the ricotta mixture, then the meat sauce, then a handful of cheese, and finally with a layer of eggplant. Keep going with another noodle layer and continue going until done. Top with remaining cheese.
Cover pan with foil and then bake for 25 minutes. Remove from oven and remove the foil. Then continue baking for an additional 25 minutes, or until the cheese is browned and bubbly!